Friday night was the rehearsal dinner, and we went to bed really early afterwards since we hadn't gotten much sleep the night before and had to get up to run. Saturday morning we got up, had some coffee and headed out for our 8 miler. It was a great run and we loved running in a new city. There were lots of Ewwww moments though as we sidestepped to avoid things like vomit, condoms and broken beer bottles. New Orleans is such a beautiful city, but the 24/7 partying that goes on does take a toll on certain areas. It was so much fun to see the city on foot and I know I'll always remember that particular run whenever I think of NOLA. We got our 8 miles done, then hung out in the hotel lobby watching college football all afternoon.
The wedding itself was gorgeous and perfect. The bride was beautiful, the weather was just right, and everyone had a great time. Our shuttle back to the airport picked us up at 3:55 am Sunday morning so didn't end up going out after the wedding.
It was really nice to have some time away for Rich and I to hang out sans baby, but we were so happy to walk through the door and see her face. I was afraid she wouldn't want to nurse after having the bottle for a couple days since the milk flows easier from a bottle but she was just as happy to see me as I was to see her and she nursed great.
Here I am with my new dark hair!
Me and the hubby
Me, Kendra and Kelley (high school bffs)
Dancing the night away:)