Part 1: We are buying a new house, and close next Monday! We looked and looked in a couple different towns, and finally decided on Maumelle. That's where Lucy is already in daycare, the public schools are good, it's only about 15 minutes or less from most places in Little Rock. The house has 4 bedrooms, a nice big kitchen and a big fenced backyard. It is move-in ready, although I'm going to have to do something about all the neutral walls. I like color! We did the final walkthrough yesterday afternoon and everything looks good.
After being at Mom and Dad's for a year (a year tomorrow to be exact), we are definitely ready to have our own space. We have loved living with them though, and it's been amazing to have the help with Lucy. I know they'll miss having her there, and we'll miss seeing them everyday. I am really excited about getting into my own kitchen, and going furniture shopping. It has a den and a living room, so basically we need a second set of cozy living area furniture. I'm going to start scouring Craigslist and antique shops to see if I can find any good pieces.
Part 2: The Mt. Pleasant house has rented for another year. We weren't sure what we were going to do with it since the housing market has plummeted even more this past year. We debated on trying to sell for a big loss, but in the end decided to hang onto it for now.
Part 3: Saturday was our 6th wedding anniversary, and Sunday was Lucy's 14 month birthday. She went to Magnolia and stayed with Rich's mom and stepdad. I was nervous about how she would do at night since she's used to sleeping with us and nursing throughout the night, but she did great. She slept all night long in the crib. Go Lucy!
Here are a few pics from her first weekend with Cece and Poppa.