Yesterday before work, I transported a dog from the Charleston Animal Society to Orangeburg, SC on a leg of a long transport to get her to a vet and new foster home in North Carolina. Her story is a sad one. She was found by animal control officers chained under a shed, her owners had left her there to die. She had been in the shelter for 10 days and had gained several pounds by the time I got her, but she is still severely emaciated. She is dirty, has a broken tail and many cuts and scrapes on her bony body. Her spirits, amazingly, couldn't be better. She is such a happy dog, she literally drug me out of the shelter and jumped right up into the back of the Xterra like "Get me the heck outta here, and feed me a cheeseburger!" (I did both:)) It is so wonderful to know that she will never be alone and hungry again. She will get all the vet care she needs to get her body healthy and she will be adopted by a family that she can actually live inside with and be a part of. The rescue named her Charleston in honor of her roots.
Here is skinny-minny Charleston, 10 days after animal control brought her to the shelter.

Such a sweet baby girl,

but painfully thin. I was afraid I would hurt her when I petted her.

Look at that face, how could anyone chain her up and leave her with no food or water.

Today before work I did another transport, but this one was a little different. The dog is Penny, a stunning 8 month old flashy fawn female, who belonged to a twenty-something single guy living in Charleston. I don't know the whole background, but I think basically he was just working a lot and didn't have the time to devote to an energetic, needy boxer puppy. He did a great thing by contacting the rescue instead of just neglecting her or giving her to a bad home or taking her to a shelter. A family in upstate SC recently lost their 3 year old boxer to cancer and were looking for a new dog when they ran across our website and Miss Penny. While it was sad when the guy dropped her off this morning, it was awesome to see how happy her new family was to get her. They immediately got down on the ground and started loving on her, and they've already sent a long email about how much they love her and how happy they are to have her in their lives. That's what rescue is all about, and I am honored to have been a part of their special day. Here is a pic of Penny and her new mom and dad, isn't that the sweetest thing!

You are doing a great thing! I'm not a dog person and will likely never own one, but I can't bear to see the poor things treated badly! I hope you find Emmy the perfect home soon.
I am just so in awe of people like you that do these wonderful deeds every day!
These stories are so touching, although it breaks my heart to hear about abused and neglected puppies. It's amazing that rescues and people like you exist to give these dogs the life they deserve.
I may have shed a small tear there. What a wonderful thing you are doing. I never had dogs growing up but when we got little Zoey I would never want to live my life without a dog. I can't believe people miss treat their animals. Don't they feel the joy of coming home to a wagging tail and lots of kisses?
I hope you find a new home for your foster! I think it's great what you are doing. Once my hubs and I are a bit more settled I think we'd like another dog but right now out little condo can really only handle Zoey!
i'm not a huge pet person but i hate hearing stories about pet neglect/abuse. they are just so cute and helpless and loyal i don't know how people can do that to them. you are certainly doing great things down there in charleston and i hope emmy finds a good home soon. i'm a little peeved that those people changed their mind!
Amanda, thank you so much for leaving another comment on my blog earlier today. When you did a few weeks ago, I started reading yours and meant to leave you a note, but I was at work and got distracted.
You have a big heart, and you are doing great things for these animals. What is wrong with people leaving animals to die? It makes me so mad.
Oh yay! That skinny lil girl broke my heart and I'm glad to hear she got rescued! Thanks so much for helping out with that!
Wow, that is an awesome story. I have a pug from a rescue and is a complete joy. Glad you found her the perfect home!
I hope your foster finds a forever home soon! I am also so thankful for wonderful people like you who help neglected animals! How could anyone hurt or neglect a sweet dog! I have tried to get involved in some rescue organizations around here, but I can't take the heart break. You are amazing! I know fostering and rescuing is not easy!
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