2. I had a great 2 mile run last night. It was dark and cold (in the upper 30s) and I did not want to go but I hadn't run in over a week and I'm scared if I skip too long, I'll never get back out there so I made myself go. I bundled up and took Fiona with me and we ran a one mile loop in our neighborhood twice. It turned out to be wonderful. It was quiet and peaceful, and I really enjoyed running by all the houses with Christmas lights. After those 2 miles, I took Tanner for almost a mile walk then I was pooped out and poor Dickson didn't get a walk so he'll be first in line today.
3. I bought the baby this:

It's a cloth diaper. Basically it has this pocket inside that you put a big cotton pad in. When it's dirty you wash the pad, and then after a couple of pad changes you wash the outer cover. We want to use cloth diapers becuase they are much better for the environment and much cheaper in the long run than disposables. We will use mostly cloth, but some disposables for daycare. There are literally endless possibilities of different styles and brands and fabrics. I researched for days and was still completely overwhelmed. I found a company that will let you try a wide variety of cloth diaper styles and brands for 2 weeks for $10, then after the trial period you ship back the ones you don't want to keep. I think we'll go that route so we can see what the differences are see what works best for us. I admit I'm skeptical about how well they are going to work and how easy they are going to be to wash and deal with, but I've read tons of reviews from parents who have used them and loved them so I'm going to give it a try. If it turns out cloth diapering isn't for us, then that's ok but at least we gave it a shot. It's still 5 months away from diaper-changing time but I figure it's never to early to start planning.
Yay for an awesome run!! Enjoy the prenatal yoga, hope it's great!
Oh I really want to hear how the cloth diaper thing goes, I just hate the idea of all those disposables in the landfills!!
ok on the sweet potato fries, here is what i finally learned...
425 for 15 minutes (don't touch them!)
then flip and do another 10 minutes.
it's the not touching them part I had issues with before and I was using a lower temp
Great job getting out there for the run! Good news on yoga too.
They sell those diapers at DwellSmart in Mt. P next to Eco Fitness, if you wanna check them out in person. They also have a ton of eco friendly baby stuff!
Hope you enjoy the prenatal yoga!
A fellow blogger, Nikki, did a review of several brands of cloth diapers. If you don't already read her blog, the address is here:
And her reviews would be in her archives.
Hi Amanda - thanks for stopping by my blog! I know other moms that use bumgenius and love them. I haven't tried them myself, but really really liked some other brands that were similar. I am still waiting to give gdiapers a full trial before I make any decisions about which I'm going to use. Anyhow, will definitely start stopping by your blog - congrats on your little one!
oooh prenatal yoga! that sounds awesome!!!! def report back :)
Love the idea of the Prenatal yoga!
You're a brave soul for wanting to use cloth diapers. I don't think I could do it!
we also notice a lot less diaper rash when we started working in some cloth diapers.
hope you enjoy the yoga!
i'm pretty sure i was raised on cloth diapers. pretty cost efficient for the 4 kids i'm sure, just an added bonus to being green :)
hope the prenatal yoga class is everything you wanted and more!
I used Fuzzy Bunz and Happy Heinys with Shoo and was pleased with them. I didn't do it for long as I just couldn't keep up with the laundry (the washer/dryer are in the basement), but I liked it when I managed to have enough clean diapers to use them. :o)
I used cloth diapers with the first kid, back when there was less emphasis (and way fewer choices) on the green thing, so I just remember folding lots of diapers! Although I think that you don't have to fold them anymore, do you? In any event, with the cloth, we ALWAYS had a burb-rag handy :-)
Wow cloth diapers.. I will be sooo curious to see how it goes.. I feel GUILTY being a disposable Mom. IF we ever have baby #3, I want to try cloth or a form of.
Have a great weekend!
good suggestion w/ the ambien cr! i may try it out after these doc appointments i have monday. never in my life have i been more excited to go to the doctor... i neeeed to "feel better" (even though i don't feel bad, more like uncomfortable?) anyway. thanks for the idea :)
Congratulations!! Little girls are so sweet! Hope you guys have been saving some money for clothes --because while the boys department is always lacking, I ALWAYS see the cutest girl stuff when I'm shopping for Ridge!! I'm very excited for you!
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