Just channeling my inner Jessie Spano there for a minute. We have a gender-determination ultrasound this afternoon so hopefully by the end of the day we'll know whether we have a baby girl or a baby boy on the way. Send this little peanut some good vibes that it will cooperate and get in a position to give us some good pics so we can know for sure!!! My big scan at the doctor isn't til the end of January and I'm way too impatient to wait that long. This ultrasound place will take you for gender-determination scans starting at 16 weeks. Well guess who just happens to be 16 weeks today? I figure why wait, let's learn what this baby is so we can stop calling it "It" and start calling it by an actual name. Luckily they will bring you back for a second ultrasound if they aren't able to determine the gender at the appointment, but I've got my fingers crossed that it will be obvious today. Pink or blue, either will do just ready to know one way or the other!
Aww good luck today and hopefully you will get to find out!
YIPPERS!! I hope Peanut plays along and does a show for you. Hugs and congrats!
wow 16 weeks, I had to wait until 20.
So once you know the sex I have the BEST blanket to recommend.. The BEST!! really I mean it..
That's cool. Sending good vibes. Good luck!
LOL! I know exactly which Saved by the Bell episode you're referring to :D
Have fun today - can't wait to hear the result ;)
Good luck! This appointment is one of the peaks of the pregnancy appointments!
I hope your peanut behaves and shows you a sign :) So excited for you!
hope the ultrasound goes well! can't wait to hear the result :)
Aww! Can't wait to hear!
oooh fingers crossed you get to find out!
how exciting!!!! can't wait to hear!!!
yay!!!!!!!!! :) vibes vibes vibes (good ones!)-->
Good luck at the ultrasound!
Best wishes!!
Oh, yay yaya yay! I hope we get to know the name! :)
I am feeling pink!
Hmmm, hope you got your answer today, can't wait to hear!
awww hope you found out and that all is well and healthy
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