What gives you that extra oomph, that "yeah, I look good, let's do this" feeling? A power tie? Certain shoes? For me, it's red lipstick. I usually stick to nudes, corals or pinks but sometimes I just have to pull out the red. And...it appears to be all the rage (is that term even used anymore?) for fall this year.
This might seem superficial, and at first glance it is. Who cares what color lipstick you're wearing? Nobody really, but just like a great fitting pair of jeans or a perfect new haircut, anything that makes you feel better is important, even if it's just a $5 tube of lipstick from Wal-Mart. Whether for a meeting at work, a night out on the town, or just hanging out at the house, sometimes the red lipstick mood strikes. It just gives me a little boost, a little shock, that is nice sometimes. Today was a red lipstick day. I wasn't very psyched about going to work, and for some reason I instinctively reached for red. It changed my whole attitude. It's like when I swiped that scarlet on my lips, my glass went from half empty to half full and I had a new spring in my step. It's not a kiss-me look, more of an I'll-kick-your-a$$ look.
What does it for you? What is your personal version of red lipstick that gives you that little edge and always makes you feel like a million bucks?
Ladies--do you actually wear bold red lipstick? If so, why? If not, why not?
Gents--what's your take? Rich is not a fan, he says it looks too severe and I agree, but that's part of the charm for me.
No lipstick for me. The hubby freaks if I even try lip gloss. haha Plus I don't have the lips for red! I wish I did though! My 'it' is a good fitting pair of jeans and heels! I just feel sexy if they fit just right and the heels make my legs look super long!
Red washes out my face too much. I like a good pale gloss.
I've tried red but I don't think I found the right red for me.
My "red lipstick" is totally in the shoes. A good pair of somewhat comfy heels, espeially after a good week of runs makes me feel strong and sexy all at the same time =).
hehehe i don't! but that's b/c i don't own any. i relaly like the idea of picking one thing and making it "your thing." like a signature scent. i need to work on the whole makeup thing. i am so lazy i don't do anything currently!!!!
Red lipstick looks HORRID on me! HA! I like a nice pair of designer jeans, heels, and a shirt paired with a fashion scarf (not a 'keep-me-warm-scarf).
I can't wear red lipstick because I know it would end up on my teeth and nobody would bother telling me.
I do however, wear red lip gloss - okay technically it's called rasberry and it's more pink than red, but it's still in the same shade family right?
I have thinner lips so I go for more medium berry tones, but I love the look of red on full lips. Thanks for the kind words on my blog!
I only own one lipstick and it's basically a barely darker shade of my natural lip color LOL.
I put on my favorite jeans, a pair of high heeled boots, and a shirt that emphasizes my collar bone (I'd choose a shirt that shows cleavage, but I have none of that LOL)
My lady pulls out her secret weapon in red lipstick and I am putty....
I don't like lipstick. Actually, most glosses, I don't like either. It makes my lips feel...icky. :) ha! I'm a chapstick kind of gal!
But, my IT is a good pair of jeans. I love how they make me look and feel.
i don't wear lipstick... mostly b/c i don't really know how to put it on? haha. and also b/c i think i'm too shy.
a good-fitting, stylish outfit makes me feel like a million bucks. well, as long as my buddha belly is under control of course.
Ha, I wish I had something to contribute, but I barely even think to carry chapstick, let alone real lipstick.
My mom did a great job in raising two daughters, but one of her biggest failures in life is not teaching my sister or me how to put on makeup :)
I love the Red lipstick myself. Wore it on my birthday this year. I think it's a "I'm kicking ass" day when I wear it.
Thanks for the CP support. Glad you also found Run Fatboy Run hilarious.
I think I've wore lipstick once when my best friend made me. I'm usually a chapstick girl with some gloss when I go out (if I remember). :)
I have MAC red lipstick that only gets used for special occasion, it needs an outfit, hairstyle and attitude to pull it off
I have very FULL lips so I am a little nervous to try the BRIGHT shades... Maybe I will test it on Halloween one of these years and see how it goes.
Thank you for your comment and honesty :)
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Red shoes make me feel that way! I love red lipstick on other women, but have not figured out lipstick at ALL yet! I am still sort of a makeup virgin!
i wore red lipstick this weekend :) i usually only wear it on special occasions.
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