I'd like to say a big Hooray to Glamour for putting a more average-sized girl in the magazine, in a bikini no less!
This lovely lady is in the May '09 issue modeling several swimsuits, both one and two-pieces.I don't know about you all but I think she looks fabulous. I think this is a big step for such a major player in the fashion mag industry because the arti
cle wasn't simply about finding "plus-size" bathing suits, or dressing to camouflage your trouble spots...it was about embracing your body and working with what you've got. It sends the message that being healthy, strong and confident is beautiful, at all shapes and sizes. If you naturally look like a Victoria Secret model that's wonderful, but if you don't (and really...who does?) that's okay! Beauty takes many forms, and there's more than one body type that can rock a bikini!

How wonderful for women of all ages to see someone recognized as sexy and beautiful that looks a bit more like us than the gorgeous but nearly impossible to achieve "perfect" bodies that fill the pages of most magazines.
I LOVE this! I think a woman with curves is way more attractive than a stick-figure. The model is absolutely gorgeous, I agree with you completely!
Thanks, I hadn't seen this.
Wow, very cool!
I agree. We, as a society, need to move away from thinking only those who are stick thin are beautiful. Thin also does equal healthy.
wow! thanks for sharing :) this is so awesome. i always look like a freight train compared to the normal models. too bad the rest of america can't get on board with what "beauty" means!!
As you know, I am also super excited they used these photos! I hope they continue to. Are you going to write to them? I think I will :)
That is awesome, and she looks so much healthier than half of the stick models out there!
Yes, thank you Glamour! I think it's great for the younger girls 'growing into their bodies' to know it's NORMAL to have curves.
Good call. I think the trend of super thin models is beginning to come to an end.
Yeah! Love it, thanks for sharing.
that is cool. i actually got kelley to stop reading glamour years ago because it made her feel bad about herself. are they finally realizing the full extent of the impact their pictures can have? i hope so.
I'm in total agreement! Thanks for posting!
Finally! Thanks for posting this! :D
Hey did you and the hubby decide to do the NC half?
I AGREE! I got the issue a couple weeks ago and thought that woman looked fabulous. She looks way better in a bathing suit that I do!
P.S. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I'm glad I make it look easy, but those took like 10 tries lol! I'm so not flexible at all, that's why I'm sticking with it even though I'm not the best! :)
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