So after my stellar 14 miles on Saturday, and double workouts on both Monday and Tuesday, I have done nothing the rest of the week. I woke up Wednesday in the worst mood ever, just hating everything and with zero motivation to work out. Yesterday I was in a better mood, but still...zero motivation to work out. Today there is some slight motivation, but I figure why break my slacker streak on a Friday so I don't think I'll do anything today. There is a tiny possibility I may do a 5K in the morning. I didn't realize how sore the P90X was going to make me. My chest/back/abs were still sore yesterday from Monday's workout. I had to take a look at the schedule this week and do some rearranging so I can tackle it smarter and more effectively next week (ie, not have Plyometrics immediately following Spin; move legs/butt workout to early in the week instead of Friday so I can still get long runs in on Saturday). I am recommitting to running/P90X next week, but for now I'm going to enjoy the rest of my slacker week. Gotta go....I hear the french toast in the cafeteria calling my name. Happy Friday everyone!
Hey, after all that hard work, I'd be taking any excuse at all for a break! You'll get back into it, but enjoy the break for now. :)
I hear ya on the slacker vibes. I was lazy and didn't run my 8 miles on Wednesday, so I had to do it yesterday morning and now I have to run this afternoon instead of taking it off!
The funny thing is, I didn't even enjoy my day off, I just ate a lot of junk, watched tv and felt like crap in the morning. Oh well, at least it's Friday!
I think we all need to have a slacker week now and then. Enjoy your weekend and you'll kick some butt next week!
Hi! thanks for commenting on my blog!!! super impressive 14 miles and then doubles-- that would cause anyone to need some rest for sure!!!! i have never heard of p90x, ... i have to go back and read your last post :)
p90x is a real ass-kicker. it will make you sore now, but stronger later. and leave you in incredibly good shape. hang in there, it will get better.
it is ok to slack every once in a while. You have been working your butt off. Maybe the slackitude is your body's way of resting a bit. I am sure you are getting stronger. The roads will be there next week!
I don't blame you! P90X is killer! (so I hear) It's no wonder you don't want to do anything else LOL
can't blame you! you've done a lot, i'm sure a little rest won't hurt. p90x sounds wayy intense. hope you get that extra copy so i can (theoretically) win it :) i need some fat burning.
well deserved break... enjoy it! Have a great weekend! :)
Sounds like you just needed an extra day of rest. Enjoy a slacker Friday!
the PX90 kinda scares me, do you think it's really working and changing your body?
hang in there! sometimes we all just need a slacker week in between all the crazy weeks!! have a great weekend :)
I just found your blog ... I keep hearing about p90x, looking forward to hearing how it works.
Thanks for stopping by with the kind words, it means a lot to me!
As for "slacking", my thoughts are that if we never "slacked" we'd never know when we were totally stellar!!! Keep up the great work, and enjoy your slack time, then bust it out!
I felt the same way when I started adding the Shred video in...I had to make sure I wasn't swimming the day after my shoulders were soooooo sore!
I've been a semi slacker this week too and eating really bad food =(.
It happens, life gets in the way and we slack...point is, we don't slack every week!
Everyone deserves a slacker week! Its not like you havent been doing ANYTHING. It just feels so good to rest hehe
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