Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thoughts on Dieting and the Diet Industry

Sorry, I'm on a roll today. Here's some more deepish thoughts. This post is not a judgement on people who take diet pills or go on fad diets because I've been there. I have gone on fad diets, taken diet pills and gone through various stages of binge eating and being very restrictive. I can't understand now why I did it, but I know that it wasn't coming from a place of healthy self image or thinking. -Why can't people see that diets/diet pills/fat loss girdles/etc. don't work? If they worked there would be no diet industry because everyone would be thin. -Why do people ignore the facts that exercise and a healthy diet (quite different from "a diet") are the keys to being a healthy weight? -Why do people think it's ok to take stimulant diet pills that increase your blood pressure and heart attack risks in order to lose a few pounds that they'll probably keep off for a month or two. -Why are we so lazy as a society that we scoff when doctors or other healthcare providers (your friendly pharmacist :)) suggest healthy eating or exercise. -Why will people shell out big bucks for prescriptions for chronic diseases or books on the latest fad diet, but complain that fresh produce is too expensive? -Why do people use the argument that "everything causes cancer" as an excuse to not cut out ANY possible carcinogens. If we know lots of things cause cancer, why not eliminate the ones you have the power to? -Why do people smoke? Pretty much dumbest idea ever. I'm sure I'll think of more, but I'll save them for another day.


Cindy said...

Great post! I can't agree more....

Lindsay said...

valid point amanda. i have thought that too... "eating healthy is too expensive" mmm ok and all those doctor bills aren't?

so excited for the changes in your family!!