Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer update

All is well in Morrisville. Lucy is walking all over the place, and cracks us up everyday with her silly antics. We are buying a new house and should be moving in the last week of August. Wahoo! I am hoping to run the Route 66 Marathon in November. Hmm...that's the high points for right now to ease myself back to blogging. I'm hoping to at least get a post up weekly. If I don't post in several weeks, I get overwhelmed with things I wanted to say but didn't and end up putting it off even longer!


Lindsay said...

Hope moving goes well! I was debating Rte 66... But I may take the fall off from 26.2-ing... Who knows. Glad all is well :)

Carolina John said...

Moving stinks. all the time. I'm glad lucy is growing up so happy in the new home, they are so funny at that age! Now start marathon training. do it.

Alisa said...

Moving is tough, I can't imagine moving with kids.

Cute baby pics please =).

Yay for marathon training.