Adventures in our Funny Farm
Monday, March 2, 2015
How the Paleo diet tried to kill me
There is this phenomenon called the "paleo flu" that strikes some people, and it seems to hit me harder than most. It should pass within a few days to a couple of months according to most experts. Wait, back that car up. There is HUGE freaking difference in a few days versus a couple of months. I have kids, pets and a house to take care of, not to mention a job. I can't go months feeling like I'm pregnant, hungover and have the flu all at once.
I know gluten is not good for anyone, whether or not you have celiac disease or even a known gluten intolerance. But for some reason my body goes crazy when it doesn't get gluten. I'm not sure whether it's some crazy form of withdrawal (gluten hits the same receptors as opiods) or whether removing gut irritants allows my body to more effectively kill the lyme and coinfections, resulting in a die-off and sick feeling from that. I met with a naturopath last week who ran a food intolerance test. The plan is to see what it shows, and eliminate those foods to start with. Then she's going to slowly help me transition to paleo or autoimmune paleo.
I expected the diet aspect of Lyme treatment to be difficult because it's expensive, inconvenient, and eliminates (almost) all things delicious. I didn't expect it to be difficult because it made me sicker. But I'm stubborn, so I'm sure I'll try again. And again. And again, until I get there.
Friday, January 16, 2015
For the ladies
If you have bad periods, go buy this tea. No for real, go order it right now. Go ahead, get the case. I have no affiliation with this company and they don't give me free tea (but maybe they should), but I just love it. After the kids were born, That Time that Shall not be Named got worse and worse. I found this and a cup a day all month long, plus up to about 4 cups a day on PMS/bad days really really helps. It cut down my cramping, insides falling out feeling significantly.
I skimped and didn't buy any this month, thinking "eh, maybe it really doesn't help." As I rolled around nauseated and in pain this morning and downed a handful (not really, don't do that-no more than 4) ibuprofen, I was kicking myself for running out.
Thank to Amazon my precious Moon Cycle will be here in 2 days. I felt it was my womanly duty to pass this on. So consider it your PMS PSA of the day.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Update from the Lymelight

Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Sugar scrub
This is so ridiculously simple that I hesitated to even post it. It is easy and quick to make your own scrubs. You just need something rough like sugar, salt or coffee grounds, and an oil like almond, jojoba or olive. Mix them together and you have a scrub.
For this one, I used a larger grain sugar, olive oil, and peppermint and coffee essential oils to make it like a peppermint mocha. It smells amazing, & I may have eaten a spoonful. I had some serious dragon scale hands going on, and after using it they are silky smooth.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Mommy Your Toothpaste Looks Like Poo-Poo
Alternate post title would be how to make homemade clay toothpaste. I have had to buy alternative toothpaste for years now because fluoride breaks my face out in a rash. I finally got tired of spending $7 a tube and decided to figure out how to make myself. I knew I did not want to use a recipe with baking soda because I was afraid it would be too harsh for daily use. My teeth tend to get sensitive very easily.
This recipe is based on bentonite clay, and I am very happy with how it turned out. Several recipes online use a mixture of peppermint and tea tree oils, but I wanted to make more of a holiday flavor.
Here is the recipe, it is very easy. Mix 2 tablespoons bentonite clay with about 2 tablespoons distilled or purified water and a pinch of real sea salt. You want to do this without using any metal bowls or instruments because the clay can pull metal out. Then mix in liquid stevia to taste, I did 7 drops, and your essential oils. I did one drop of cinnamon, one drop of clothes, and 7 drops of orange. Store in a glass container, I used an empty baby food jar.